Tips for An Amazing Portrait Session:
1. Sleep! Make sure you get at least 2 nights of good sleep before your photo session so that you will look fresh and won't have bags under your eyes and red blood vessels dimming your eyes.
2. Don't get a haircut within a week of your session. There might be funky tan lines that need time to blend, and you will want a chance to figure out how to style it.
3. Prep your clothes and accessories the night before. Choose clothes that reflect you. Make sure they are clean and free of wrinkles. Put your accessories in a ziplock bag and attach it to the hanger of the outfit it accessorizes.
5. A Word on Blemishes. Don't worry... that is what photoshop is for! Girls, don't use too much make-up trying to hide blemishes. It will be easier for me to retouch your prints if you keep a more natural look.
6. If you wear glasses to your shoot, bring an extra pair of frames without lenses to reduce glare. Some Optometrists will allow you to borrow a pair of frames for your Senior pictures.
7. Smile. If you wear braces and don't like them, they can be digitally removed for an additional fee. (it is very time consuming). If you don't like your smile, get in front of a mirror and practice it. Get used to how it feels to smile the way you think you look best. Can you do it for the camera? Try this: close your eyes and smile, then open your eyes to see if it looks the way you want. Don't forget to let your smile reach your eyes. Think of something funny and smile.
8. Personality. Feel free to bring something that reflects your personality, talents or hobbies. Having your picture taken with what you enjoy will create unique portraits. Let me know if you would like to visit a favorite place.
9. Bring a friend. They will help you smile and can catch your fake smiles. They can hold the light reflectors and make silly faces at you....make it a good friend because we might include them in a few pictures. :)
10. Finishing touches. Don't forget your nails. Guys, make sure your fingernails are nicely trimmed and clean. Girls, pamper yourself with a manicure and pedicure the day before. (Not essential, but why not?)
11. RELAX!!! Parents don't worry if your kids misbehave. All humans do at some point. I have five of my own, it will not shock or bother me. I will interact with them and enjoy their antics. Sometimes those candid goofy moments end up treasured more than the posed and nice smiles. I know from experience as a mom, that my kids feed off my stress. They will not smile relaxed if I am frustrated with them. I promise I will speak up if I need you to do something so just sit back and smile and enjoy them. We'll get the pix.
12. HAVE FUN!!!